What: COMPILE partners published a new paper

Where: Online – Sustainability journal

When: 12th November 2021

COMPILE partner Joanneum Reserach in collaboration with several other partners published a paper under the Special Issue of the Sustainability journal (ISSN 2071-1050), Energy Communities in the Changing Energy Landscape, titled “Are We on the Right Track? Collective Self-Consumption and Energy Communities in the European Union” (

The paper investigates major developments of the transposition of EU “Clean Energy for all Europeans” package, including questions of the general distinction of the different concepts, governance and ownership, physical expansion, administrative barriers and the overall integration of energy communities into the energy system. The analysis builds on country case studies as well as on previous work by the authors on the status of the transposition process throughout the EU. The paper shows that the national approaches differ greatly and are at very different stages. While basic provisions are in place in most Member States to meet the fundamental EU requirements, the overall integration into the energy system and market is only partly addressed. The paper concludes that discussed barriers will need to be carefully addressed if the high expectations for the role of energy communities are to be met.

The article builds on the work done within the project, especially the Task 2.2 Regulatory and organisational aspects and its deliverable D2.3 Regulatory frameworks for EnC for pilot site countries. In addition to the countries studied in the deliverable, the paper includes also the general framework for Austria.

The full paper can be downloaded also from the COMPILE website under Downloads.

The cover photo is taken from the paper and shows the relationship between RECs and CECs in different national transposition approaches.