What: COMPILE at the European Utility Week 2019 (EUW19)

Where: Paris, France

When: 12th – 14th November 2019

EUW is the leading event showcasing expert knowledge, innovative solutions and foresight from hundreds of industry leaders, coherent with European strategy to achieve a smooth transition towards a low carbon energy supply. In 2019, EUW was merged with POWERGEN Europe which is the leading event in the power generation sector.

For the 3rd year, the European Commission endorsed the event and the EU Project Zone. This zone had its very own free-to-attend programme and hosted a record 33 EU funded projects.

Mr. Tomi Medved presented COMPILE during the hub session “Integrating the energy sector with the buildings, transport and industry sectors” and participated at the panel discussion which followed.

The interest from the public was great, especially among the students who were very enthusiastic about new concepts of energy communities.

EUW19 really proved itself to be a great platform to meet top-level European energy professionals and do business, form new relationships and drive new projects forward.