Pilot site Rafina
The municipality of Rafina-Pikermi is a port town located near Athens. It spreads across an area of over 40.000 km2 and has a population of about 20.000. Apart from the port, Rafina consists mostly of households and local businesses and there are no industrial establishments at the moment. The local energy systems are predominantly supplied from the main grid, yet there are small private PV installations using net metering. Consumer demand-response activity is quite low as well as their interest in cooperative energy solutions. On the plus side, there is a new energy law enabling the creation of energy communities (EnC) and providing the legal framework to work with. There are several public buildings available for RES integration.
October 2019
- COMPILE EnC workshop
April 2020
- EnC development
October 2020
- SLAMs integration
April 2021
- COMPILE tools integration
October 2021
- Assessment
April 2022
- Roadmap for EnC creation