The GridRule tool is being developed in two versions, one by COMPILE partner ETRA and other by PETROL. Both versions are tailored to an EnC operation, with different actors, needs and requirement (PETROL – commercial player, ETRA solution – self-operating EnC).
The GridRule enables data collection and presentation in a user-friendly manner, which helps the operators with their everyday work. GridRule also features various control strategies that optimize all the available flexibility in the network with a goal of maximizing the benefits of the community. These features include community battery management and community self-consumption optimization. The community optimization is possible due to GridRule – HomeRule communication which enables the control of all flexible loads in the community.
The whole COMPILE toolset architecture is built on state-of-the-art interoperability standards and GridRule will also connect to other tools like EVrule and ComPilot.
One of the most important and challenging features is Community Island mode. This mode requires a lot of engineering, calculation and modifications to protection equipment and our pilot site Luče is a pioneer in this.
Another important feature is the development of ancillary service provision, which will be tested in cooperation with Slovenian DSO Elektro Celje. This will be first of kind examples in this part of the EU with the aim of demonstrating all the possibilities of new technologies and “community power”.
In the pictures below you can already see the working prototypes of GridRule application and installations needed to support the operation. The graphical user interface is going to be updated and modified in the next releases.
The detailed results of the above described measures/features and others that will follow are going to be published in special reports that you will be able to download from our website. We will also publish the important milestones in the development and results. Therefore, please subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media and be the first to know about the progress and project results!