Education on the basics of sustainable development in practice

What: Workshop, Education on the basics of sustainable development in practice

Where: Impact Hub Ljubljana, Slovenia

When: 25th of September 2022

Education on the basics of sustainable development in practice was organized on the 25th of September in Impact Hub Ljubljana. The training was for student interested in sustainable development. The topics were Carbon footprint and LCA, energy self-sufficiency and green marketing.

The lectures were given by experts in their respective fields;  Ana Brodar, MSc (Zelena Slovenija) spoke about carbon footprint,  Meta Pavlin Avdić (prvi.prvi.) spoke about green marketing and our member Bojan Stojanović, MBA (Petrol d.d.) presented energy self-sufficiency related with pilot site Luče and led workshop how to build energy community project. The focus of the whole event was on interactive work and the exchange of ideas.