What: COMPILE was part of the EU-Africa Business Forum
When: Online
When: 16th of April 2021
A few weeks ago, COMPILE coordinator was contacted by the SPIRIT Slovenia (Public Agency for Entrepreneurship, Internationalization, Foreign Investments and Technology) with an interest to learn more about our project and the activities connected to the pilot site Luče, Slovenian first self-sufficient energy community in Slovenia. The aim was to place our project in the brochure which would introduce Slovenia’s Green Energy Solutions during the digital event EU-Africa Business Forum (EABF).
Through the European Trade Promotion Organisation’s Association (ETPO) and with the above-mentioned brochure Slovenia was presented during the first part of the event – High-Level Green Talk on Accelerating the EU-Africa Partnership for Green Energy Transition in Africa. On April 20 and 21, the second part of the event was held – Digital Marketplace for Green Energy Transition.
EABF takes place every three years back to back with the EU-Africa Summit. It is co-organised by the EU, the African Union Commission (AUC) and African and EU business organisations. It is the main event of public-private dialogue between the EU and Africa at the continental level and aims at increasing opportunities for sustainable economic cooperation.
We are happy and proud to see that our project is drawing attention of the wider community and that our work is being presented over the European borders. So, despite the pandemics restrictions we are going international and we could say that we were in Africa! :)