What: 2nd COMPILE project Review Meeting
Where: Online
When: 7th July 2021
On July 7, 2021, COMPILE project organised its second Review Meeting with the European Commission, where work package leaders presented the activities carried out during the last reporting period (from month 13 to 30). Due to still present travel restrictions in some countries, it was held online. To evaluate the project development and provide feedback, Ms. Dutianu, our Project Officer (CINEA), was present at the meeting.
In the last 18 months, consortium members made significant progress in their advances towards the established outcomes in line with our goals and objectives. We were happy to report that all the deliverables planned for reporting period 2 were submitted on time and all the milestones were reached. Project pilot sites are close to the final stage of technical deployment and achieving the foreseen COMPILE goal of empowering Local Energy Systems. Significant progress has been made regarding the forecasting models needed for the optimal management of the grid. Besides, we were part of more than 50 events that were all about spreading the word about COMPILE solutions and the possibilities which come with the creation of energy communities. Connected to the energy community movement, the COMPILE COOLkit was prepared. In addition to extensive reports we also created it as an online version with a nice user-friendly interface that guides the stakeholders to quickly find the answers they are looking for.
The next and the last Review Meeting is foreseen in November 2022 when 48 months of the project will be completed and will be time to show the overall project results.