Summer School in Thessaloniki was just a beginning of an initiative

What: Gathering participants from across South-East Europe to learn about community energy

Where:  Thessaloniki, Greece

When: 28th – 30th of June 2022

Summer school in Thessaloniki gathered 150 participants in total, coming from 24 different countries and with diverse academic and professional backgrounds.

The main aim of this Summer School was to promote the need of citizens and local communities for access to renewable and affordable energy, such as solar energy and wind energy, encourage active contribution to the transition to a fair, democratic and inclusive energy system throughout Europe.

The opening session was marked off by project manager Antonia Proka stated that the European Citizen Energy Academy aims to encourage the growth of community energy in the Balkan region. The fundamental goal of the Compile project, according to project coordinator Tomi Medved, is to connect diverse energy vectors and the community power network to supply green energy to society.  Dirk Vansintjan, President of Rescoop, discussed the problems, potential, and future stages for citizen energy in Europe. Krisztina Andre of Bündnis Bürgerenergie (BBEn) e.V. delivered a passionate lecture on the growth of the Balkan citizen energy movement.

After the keynotes, the next sessions were dedicated to gender justice, energy poverty and Citizen energy and the role of Municipalities. The day ended with the big group dinner.

On the second day, we were learning how to build an energy community project. There was different kind of workshops and group work led also by Compile representative.

The last day was especially interesting. Following the presentation of key findings and closing remarks at Thessaloniki City Hall, we visited the WEnCoop Energy Community solar park and closed the event at Halkidiki beach.

We will continue to collaborate to ensure that community energy thrives in the region! Thank you to everyone who helps the organization and all participants for joining us.