What: Workshop “Local Energy Cooperative”
Where: Križevci, Croatia
When: 11th – 12th December 2019
COMPILE partner Green Energy Cooperative (ZEZ) brought together local stakeholders who will be a key part of the initiative to start a local energy community in the form of a cooperative. The aim of the workshop was to present energy cooperatives and their practices in Europe, to introduce the legal framework, the participatory work on the statue and teambuilding of the future cooperative members.
To start with, the attendees were given a detailed description of existing energy cooperatives and their practices, examples from countries such as Germany, Scotland, the Netherlands, Denmark, France, Austria and others. The discussion was focused on methodologies for putting energy in the hands of citizens through energy communities, a very popular bottom-up approach. The barriers were also considered, especially the one resulting in lack of utilization of renewable energy sources in Croatia.
Through the workshop the participants visualized the first year of operation but also the goals that they, as a cooperative, wanted to achieve by 2025. One part of the workshop covered what actions and changes needed to be conducted for a successful cooperative management and how to identify the cooperative goal/common ground. Workshop also focused on identifying the cooperative’s initial steps and team roles.
Furthermore, ZEZ explained the legal framework and went through preparatory work on cooperative’s statute with the participants. Topics such as membership, procedures, voting, investment, representation were covered, as well as general assembly and appointing a manager and a supervisory board for the cooperative.
The workshop was a success. Participants were inspired and eager to join and set up a new cooperative as a local renewable energy community. After the establishment of the cooperative, ZEZ’s mentoring and guidance will allow the creation and implementation of new energy projects in Križevci.
The event was organized by ZEZ, with the contribution from two other COMPILE partners and Joanneum Research.